
Monday, May 28, 2012

Running and Water

I used to run on a regular basis. But ever since my first official 10K I haven't hit the dirt roads or the pavement to do so.
So as part of my new found fitness and nutrition goals I printed out the C25K and C210K training plans and I'm starting today after work!
I work until 6pm today, then come home and rest make dinner then off on the road. Day 1 of Week one is Walk for 2 minutes then run for 1 minute repeat 6 times. This is from the C210K beginners plan. If I find out I'm more out of shape than I thought then I'm going to follow the C25K plan until I get better, then return to the C210K one.
Sounds reasonable.

As for the body parts I know need work, as in stomach, upper arms, inner thighs I need a good weight lifting or body weight routine to perk those up. And although I love my boobs they could be perkier if you ask me.
Yes I realize I'm 33 but I've seen women older than me topless sunning and they had great boobs, so why can't I? All they need is some TLC and muscle mass behind them.
So I need a good complete body workout. Thanks to I can find a ton of them for free online, as videos or print outs.
(I can't use to track my food, I'd have to add to many German foods to do so, and that's where kicks in.)
Tomorrow is grocery shopping day. After I get up tomorrow I'll be planning meals with my hubby and writing down all that we need for them. I have to remember to get the things for that flavored spa water I found on pinterest. I also thought up one of my own. Green Tea and Orange with Mint. I want to try that and if the watermelon isn't to expensive the watermelon and rosemary one. I'm also thinking I could use frozen berries instead of fresh ones. Just do the same as you would with the fresh ones, but I'd have to try that first. I think I still have some frozen berries too. Just need something to go with them. Lemons and Limes are always cheap, and fresh herbs are not that expensive until my garden gets up and growing. Now all I need are some big Weck Jars since we don't have mason jars.

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